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I have expounded on my beliefs about death and mourning and the influence these things have on soul growth.  I have a different take on reincarnation than most.  I also have a different take on religion.  I would love to know how many shared my belief system or even some part of it.  As well, I am always open to hear the beliefs of others.  That is part of the Gnostic belief system as I know it to be.  We seek and take what speaks to our hearts is the way I see it. 

If one is reading my words I would suggest that you go to the last entry and work your way back strange as that might seem.  Then after all has been read or you read what interests you (I touch on many different subjects as I am a Crone; woman over 50 who has had time to reason out a lot of stuff.  I am always renewing and revising my spirituality and my world view, so it is ever changing in my musings.  Once you stop growing, you might as well be dead.  At least then you can continue your soul growth.